
Growth through focus

At koshiyo, we strongly believe that everybody and every organization is capable of great things.
We also believe that trying to do everything at once, all the time, will not get you there.
You need to focus on your growth!

How can we help you focus?


Wanting to install proper program and project management? A big transformation project ahead?

Let us help so you can focus on your core business.
We can also aid in installing the right processes, tools and trainings to be ready for the future.

individuals & entrepreneurs

You are ready, or rather you would like, to take a next step ?

But rather not take it alone?

With a background of the right tools & process, that we fit with your needs and personality, we help you take that next step.

Grow as an organization


A transformation is basically a very big project, requiring lots of change management and where the desired outcome is an organization with an improved way of working.

We prepare and guide you through all challenges: (1) rebuilding the airplane while flying it; (2) understanding and managing the impact on your organization, (3) managing all stakeholders.


We provide support on both the project & program management itself as well as putting the proper project and program management tools & processes in place so you can manage them yourself.

Whether it’s waterfall, agile, scrum, kanban or whatever method you use or would like to use. But important is that it works with your organization and delivers results.


Whether you arrived in a new phase or you simply want to evolve as a team. Learn to better use the available strengths , cooperate more effectively, and create a trusting environment with a growth mind set.

Personal Development


Improve your leadership skills to better lead yourself and your team.
We provide both support on hard and soft-skills for you as a leader.

Career path

Need help defining your career path or just the next step; or identifying the best fit between your passion, skills and job market?

start your journey

#growth #consulting #koshiyo #mindfullentrepeneur #growyourorganization